PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0722 (Conferinte 2015eng)

International 45th Annual Conference: Growth, Expansion and Contraction, 6-8 January 2015, Great Britain/Oxford – British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (; (Ana Maria Minut – Romanian as a border language in the Habsburg Monarchy – co-autor with Ion Lihaciu).

International Conference Cultural Literacy in Europe, 16-18 April 2015, Great Britain/London – Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities (; (Gabriela E. Dima – Schoolbooks in the 18th-century Romanian Provinces: Benjamin Martin’s Philosophical Grammar and its Romanian Version by Bishop Amfilohie of Hotin).

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 24 – 25 April 2015, Czech Republic/Prague – Czech Institute of Academic Education. (Ana Maria Minut – Interpolation as translation strategy. Case Study. The Romanian version of The Universal History… translated by Ioan Piuariu Molnar, co-autor with Ion Lihaciu).

International Workshop on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – IWAHS-2015 , 8-9 May 2015, Turkey/Istanbul – Scientific Cooperation Society; (Gabriela E. Dima – The Beginnings of Translations into Romanian).

International Conference for Academic Disciplines, 26-30 May 2015, SUA/Boston, Massachusetts – International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Medical School (; (Alexandra Chiriac – The German „Bertoldo“ in Transylvania. On the Process of Cultural Transfer from West towards East at the End of the 18th Century).

International Conference Zerrissene Loyalitäten. Politische und kulturelle Orientierungen im Ersten Weltkrieg: Bukowina, Galizien, Bessarabien, 28-30 May 2015, Ukrain/Cernowiz – IKGS al LMU München (; Andrei Corbea-Hoișie (Czernowitzer Geiseln in Russland: Philipp Menczel und Mayer Ebner).

International Conference Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity Conference, FROM MANUSCRIPT TO E-BOOK, 29-30 May 2015, Romania/Iasi – „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (; Eugenia Dima (Paternitatea primelor texte de matematică traduse în Ţara Românească).

International Conference Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity, FROM MANUSCRIPT TO E-BOOK, 29-30 May 2015, Romania/Iasi – „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (; Gabriela E. Dima (The first manuscript translation of Alexander Pope’s “Essay on man” by Ioan Cantacuzino).

International Congress of the Romanian Germanists (X. Internationalen Kongress der Germanisten Rumäniens), 31 May – 4 June 2015, Romania/Braşov (Kronstadt) – University of Braşov. (; Ana Maria Minut (Ioan Piuariu Molnars Übersetzungsstrategie. Eine komparatistische Analyse einer rumänischen Übersetzung aus dem Jahre 1800, co-autor Ion Lihaciu)

International Congress of the Romanian Germanists (X. Internationalen Kongress der Germanisten Rumäniens), 31 May – 4 June 2015, Romania/Braşov (Kronstadt) – University of Braşov. (; Alexandra Chiriac (Katharina die Große von Russland. Über die Rolle eines deutsch-russischen Fürstenspiegels im rumänischen Kulturfeld).

Going East: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Travel and Intercultural Communication, 4-5 June 2015, Romania/Iasi – „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi and Østfold University College, Norway (; Eugenia Dima (Towards the Far East in the 18th Century Romanian Culture).

Going East: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Travel and Intercultural Communication, 4-5 June 2015, Romania/Iasi – „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi and Østfold University College, Norway (; Gabriela E. Dima (The Romanian Provinces in Patrick Gordon’s Geography Anatomized: from the English Original to its 18th Century Romanian Translation).

International Conference Connections, 15 – 16 July 2015, Northern Irleland/Belfast – British Society for Eighteenth – Century Studies (; Ana Maria Minut (Connections between Languages. Romanian Dictionaries in the 18th Century).

International Conference Discurs critic și variație lingvistică, Edition V, Stereotipii culturale și lingvistice 23-24 July 2015, Romania/Suceava – University of Suceava (; Ana Maria Minut (Studiu de caz. Un tip de stereotipie în actul traducerii).

International Congress Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation of the International Association for German Studies (XIII. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik), 23-30 August 2015, China/Shanghai – Tongji-Universität (; Alexandra Chiriac (Katharina die Große von Russland. Über die „kulturelle Übersetzung“ bei der Kristallisierung eines moldawischen Fürstenspiegels Im Vortrag illustrieren wir das Konzept der „kulturellen Übersetzung“).

International Scientific Conference on SOCIAL SCIENCES & ARTS SGEM 2015, 24 August – 2 September 2015, Bulgaria/Albena – SGEM Organisation (; Gabriela E. Dima, coautor (Peter the Great of Russia and Charles XII of Sweden in the 18th Century Romanian Translations of Western European History Books).

Colloquium 50. Linguistisches Kolloquium Sprache verstehen, verwenden, übersetzen, 3-5 September 2015, Austria, Innsbruck University of Innsbruck (; Ana Maria Minut (Die Rolle der Übersetzungen bei der Wortschatzbereicherung des Rumänischen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts).

International Conference Presente e futuro della lingua e letteratura italiana: problemi, metodi, ricerche, 18-19 September 2015, Romania/Craiova – University of Craiova (; Mirela Aioane (L’avverbio “no”, tra negazione, ingiunzione e cooperazione. Studio comparativo in romeno, italiano e francese).

International Conference Presente e futuro della lingua e letteratura italiana: problemi, metodi, ricerche, 18-19 September 2015, Romania/Craiova – University of Craiova (; Gabriela E. Dima (Scrivere e riscrivere letteratura: Alessandro Baricco e il suo Don Giovanni per i ragazzi).

Conference Literatura română în secolul al XVIII-lea. Schimbarea paradigmei literare, 9-10 October 2015, Romania/Bucharest – Romanian Academy; Eugenia Dima (Tipuri de interpolari in traducerile laice din secolul al XVIII-lea).

Conference Literatura română în secolul al XVIII-lea. Schimbarea paradigmei literare, 9-10 October 2015, Romania/Bucharest – Romanian Academy; Gabriela E. Dima (Amorven si Zalida, o traducere românească de la 1802 a unui roman englezesc prin intermediar francez).

International Conference Post-Empire. Habsburgs Zentraleuropa und die Genealogien der Gegenwart, 21-23 October 2015, Austria/Viena – IKT (ÖAW) (; Andrei Corbea-Hoișie („Deutsch bis auf die Knochen“. Czernowitz als Sinnbild kakanischer Kontinuität in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit der 30er Jahre).

Conference Probleme actuale de filologie română, 29-31 October 2015, Ukrain/Cernowiz – University „Yuriy Fedkovych” of Cernauti; Eugenia Dima (Secolul al XVIII-lea românesc și începutul asimilării culturii occidentale).

Conference Probleme actuale de filologie română, 29-31 October 2015, Ukrain/Cernowiz – University „Yuriy Fedkovych” of Cernauti; Gabriela E. Dima (Tragedia lui Oreste: din Antichitate în țările române prin intermediul elaborării lui Vittorio Alfieri).

International Symposion Elias Canetti und das Phänomen der Macht, 4-5 noiembrie 2015, Austria/Vienna – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur. Andrei Corbea-Hoișie (Elias Canettis maghrebinischen Geschichten).

International colloquium of the Sibiu German Studies Zur (inter)kulturellen Bestimmung des Raums. Linguistische, literarische, didaktische und mediale Zugänge (Internationale Tagung der Hermanstädter Germanistik), 19-21 noiembrie 2015, Romania/Sibiu (Hermannstadt). Alexandra Chiriac (Katharina die II. von Russland. Die kulturelle Übersetzung und der ideologische Transfer vom Westen nach Osten).