PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0722 (Activitati 2013 – 2eng)
Production of the Volume Articles
The identified texts were studied from a philological, linguistic or comparative prospective. Also, following the study of the Cyrillic manuscripts, a number of 16.530 excerpts were selected including lexical, phonetical, morphological or syntactic aspects, thus allowing a documented analysis of the linguistic features during the period of the beginning of the modernisation of the Romanian literary language. The excerpts were grouped based on phonetic, morphologic, lexical and syntactic phenomena.
Dr. Magda Jeanrenaud has collected bibliographic material and exemplifications from the Romanian translations for the work Traductologia şi importanţa traducerilor româneşti pentru modernizarea culturii române.
Dr. Ana-Maria Minuţ has assembled a group of scientific, legislative and administrative texts translated from German in the second half of the 18th century in the framework of the Transylvanian School, performing the following operations: selection of the texts, identification of the originals, establishment of the bibliography, excerpting and has started to work on three texts within the group of scientific (popularisation) books translated from German, which contains a larger number of books and fields: medicine, agronomy, anthropology, apiculture, law, economy, geography, mathematics. The research implies the analysis of the texts, the presentation and/or the discovery of the originals of the translations and the linguistic and textual comparison.
Mirela Aioane has been dealing with the translation of the Spanish picaresque novel entitled The Life of Mr. Heruvim de la Ronda, by A.R. Lesage, translation by Gherasim Putneanul, in 1793, ms. 46 BAR and has been preparing some introductory material for a study on a cookery book probably translated from Italian that is of interest for the team. She has started the documentation for the presentations in the collective volume of the activity of two Moldavian clergymen who translated several laic writings object of our research: Gherasim Putneanul (from the Archbishopric of Roman): Gheográfie noao; Oxenstiern, Cugetări; Fénelon, Întîmplările lui Telemah and the archimandrite Gherasim from the Iasi Metropolitanate: Voltaire, Istorie craiului Sfeziei Carol 12; Gabriel-Louis-Calabre Perau, Taina francmasonilor; the picaresque novel by Alain-René Lesage, Viaţa domnului Heruvim de la Ronda; Contant d’Orville, Istoria Americăi; Baltasar Gracián, Critil şi Andronius.
Gabriela Eugenia Dima has been dealing with the translations from Italian by the bishop of Hotin, Amfilohie.
Alexandra Chiriac is interested in Viaţa lui Bertoldo in the Romanian Culture, transcribing the printed Cyrillic text (43 pages), whose translation was attributed to Ioan Molnar. In order to edit the text and carry out the linguistic and stylistic analysis, she has obtained during documentation copies of the Italian, French, German and Greek versions.