PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0722 (Activitati 2012 – 5eng)

Writings on Philology Issues

      Philological Desciption of Some Manuscripts

The study of some texts has begun by analysing philological, linguistic or compared literature aspects, representing a starting point for further studies. At the same time, by going through some Cyrillic manuscripts, a number of 16.530 example sheets have been excerpted, containing lexical, phonetic, morphological and syntactic aspects, to be completed with the investigation of other translations, in order to finally complete a documented analysis of the linguistic features in the period of beginning of the modernisation of the Romanian language.

Eugenia Dima has gone trhough several Cyrillic manuscripts for their linguistic and philological study (cca 4.700 pages of Cyrillic manuscript):  Antonio Catiforos, Vita di Pietro il Grande ,  translated by Matei Fărcăşanu, Viaţa lui Petru, ms. 2353 BAR, copy from 1755, Charles Rollin, Histoire encienne Tom I, Istoria veche, translated by Costandin Cocorăscu, ms. 5846 BAR  from 1768, Joseph Delaporte, Le voyageur francaise, tom I-IV  translated by Mihai Cantacuzino, A toată lumea călătorie, 1780-1786, ms. 1376 BAR, IV-18 BCU Iaşi, Imberie şi Margarona, translated around 1780 by un unknown scholar, ms. 1817 BAR,; translated by Ioan CantacuzinoFlorian, Numa Pompilius. ms. 1550 BAR, Baculard D’Arnaud, Histoire de Machen, Montesquieu, Arsace et Ismenie, J.J. Rousseau, Narcis, ms. 3099 BAR and Alexander Pope, An Esay On Man ms. 6002 BAR, of which over 15200 linguistic sheets and 610 philological sheets have been excerpted.

Magda Jeanrenaud has collected bibliographic material and exemplifications from the Romanian translations for a paper on Traductology and the Importance of the Romanian Translations for the Modernisation of the Romanian Culture.

Ana-Maria Minuţ has gathered a group of scientific, legislative and administrative texts translated from German, in the second half of the 18th century by the Transylvanian School, performing the following activities: obtaining the reproduction of the texts, searching the originals, establishing the bibliography, partially extracting examples.

Mirela Aioane has started the documentation for the translation of the Spanish picaresque novel entitled Life of the Gentleman Heruvim de la Ronda, by A.R. Lesage,  translated by Gherasim Putneanul in 1793, ms. 46 BAR.

Gabriela Eugenia Dima has prepared bibliographic and stylistic material for a compared literature work on Italian Poetic Motifs in the First Romanian Translations from the Western Culture

Alexandra Chiriac is entrusted with the theme Life of Bertoldo in the Romanian Culture. She transliterated in order to edit the Cyrillic printed text (43 pages), whose translation was attributed to Ioan Molnar. She carried out the linguistic and stylistic analysis and obtained, during documentation mobilities, copies of the Italian, French, German and Greek versions.

Each of these themes contains several contributions that will be proposed for international conferences  in 2013 or for publication in specialised reviews.