PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0722 (Activitati 2012 – 3eng)

Documentation and Sistematisation of the Selected Material

a)      Completion of the data base

In order to store the data obtained in the bibliographical activity research, we have begun to fill in the Microsoft Access database, operation that will continue for the whole duration of the project.

b)      Documentation stages in Romania and abroad

Several documentation mobilities have been carried out abroad, in order to identify publications from the 17th and the 18th centuries relevant to the current project. Thus, in order to detect and obtained copies (scanned copies, photocopies, photographs) of rare old books that represented the originals, several cities were taken into account: Italy: Venice (Biblioteca Marciana and the Istituto di Studi Neo-bizantini), Ferrara (Biblioteca Ariostea), Roma (Biblioteca Nazionale and Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana), Napoli (Biblioteca Nazionale), Palermo (Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana), Catania (Biblioteca dell’Universita’), Rimini (Biblioteca Comunale), Firenze (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale); France: Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale de France); Spain: Madrid (Biblioteca Nacional), Valencia (Biblioteca Historica); Germany: Konstanz (University Library), Tübingen („Eberhard Karl” University Library); Austria: Vienna (Austria National Library); Greece: Thessalonic („Aristoteles” University Library).

c)      Establishment of the relevance of the bibliographic  material

Browsing the manuscript catalogues we intended to obtain an inventory as complete as possible of the translated texts, as this project offers the opportunity of such investigation that comes to fill in a gap in the Romanian culture that still lacks a systematic listing and description of the texts translated in the 18th century. The catalogue information has been completed with notes and comments from previous philological works that were studied.