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Proiectul Erasmus+ Erasmus+– Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness

Nume: Quality In Language Learning” 2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809

Acronim: QuILL

Coordonator al echipei din Romania conf. dr. Teodora Ghiviriga

Durata: 2021-2023

Link: http://quill.pixel-online.org/



  • să ofere lectorilor de limbi străine abilitatea de a identifica, evalua, utiliza, crea surse digitale și TIC care să contrinuie la îmbunătățirea practicilor de predare a limbilor străine bazate pe tehnologii digitale în învățământul superior în predarea limbilor străine în scopuri specifice (LSP) în 18 limbi ale statelor membre;
  • să ofere factorilor de decizie și factorilor care elaborează politici informații care să le permită îmbunătățirea implementării surselor și metodei de predare a limbajelor de specialitate în limbile europene prin resurse digitale și TIC în sistemul de învățământ superior din Europa


  • crearea unei baze de date de resurse OER (open educatioal resources) on-line de predare/învățare a limbilor străine pentru limbile europene.
  • elaborarea unui pachet de formare pentru identificarea, utilizarea și crearea resurselor de predare online a limbilor străine la nivelul învățământului superior.
  • elaborarea unor norme privind implementarea oportunităților de învățare a limbilor digitale și TIC în sistemele de învățământ superior.



Project Erasmus+ Erasmus+– Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness

Name: Quality in Language Learning 2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809

Acronym: QuILL

Coordinator of the Romanian team: conf. dr. Teodora Ghiviriga

Duration: 2021-2023

Link: http://quill.pixel-online.org/


The QuiLL project objective is to:

  • provide language lecturers with the skills to identify, assess, use, create digital and ICT based language teaching sources
  • provide decision makers and policy makers with the information and skills to enhance the implementation of digital and ICT based language teaching sources and method in the higher education systems.


The QuILL project will:

  • Address the problem of the scarce existence of teaching sources within the field of Languages for Specific/technical Purposes (LSP).
  • Enhance HE lecturers’ digital literacy and help them to get the most of digital technologies
  • Supply HE language lecturers with open educational resources (OER) and digital language teaching sources thoroughly identified, selected and assessed according to high quality level and focusing in particular on Language for Specific Purpose (LSP).
  • Provide HE lecturers with the skills for developing and implementing innovative pedagogies provided by the e-learning context and for teaching with pedagogical reliable quality material.

Specfic results:

  • the creation of a Database of On-line Language Learning Sources for Language teaching of 18 European Languages; the repository will consist of a database of selected, reviewed, tested, assessed and validated e-learning based language teaching sources addressed to Higher education students for the learning of the languages of the member states;
  • the creation of an On-Line Training Package for the identification, use and creation of ICT based language teaching sources for teaching languages at higher education level;
  • Publication on the Implementation of Digital and ICT based Language Learning Opportunities in the Higher Education Systems; the guidelines will be addressed to managerial staff of Higher Education Institutions, policy makers as well as language lecturers.